Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The story starts and ends at the 360 degree turn.

For some people, their life is just ordinary.
There is nothing awesome to talk about, nothing special to share about.
For some other people, their life is challenging.
Every new day comes with countless obstacles and problems to solve.

So, which life do you prefer?

What if, one day, you realized that you have to change your life?

If you choose to go down the road not taken,
you may not know what lies along the way.
Will you take that road,
or are you too afraid to go through uncertainty?

If you choose to stay and walk the road everyone is taking,
you may never know the treasures on the road not taken.
Will you stay and be normal plain,
or are you brave enough to splash some paint?

If you accept your life with ease,
people’s talk and perception may always cloud up your bright sky.
Will you ignore them and just live life,
or are you too weak and just wait for the rain to pour down?

If you keep on whining and complaining about your life,
people may always feel sorry for you.
Will you just hide in the corner and be pathetic,
or are you strong enough to search for your rainbow back?

For me, my life met its turning point at the 360th degree.
A part of it ends while another begins.
Syukur, Alhamdulillah.
Thank You, Allah.


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