Monday, October 7, 2013

If I were to die today.

if i were to die today.
i would like to thank Allah for the beautiful life.
if i were to die today.
i would like to ask forgiveness, may Allah accept my repentance.
if i were to die today.
i would like to enjoy every last seconds i have.
if i were to die today.
i would like to treat my friends better, for they deserve it.
if i were to die today.
i would like to make peace and clear all the grudges.
if i were to die today.
i would like to treasure my family more and love them better.
if i were to die today.
i would like to hug and kiss my mom and dad endlessly.
if i were to die today.
i would like to pat on my brothers' backs and congratulate them.
if i were to die today.
i would like to ask every person to forgive me.
if i were to die today.
i would like to sit with you, my dearest love of my life; all day long.

if i were to die today.
if; and only if.


forgive me,people.
for who i am.
for who i am not.
forgive me. please.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Untuk kamu. Zauj-to-be. :)

To whom it may concern.

You has never been the least of my concern before. 
I didn't knew you back there, but I am glad that I've met you.

It may have been a coincidence that we met during my bad days. It may have been a set up by Him, The Creator. Whatever it is, yet I am glad. Truly. You were there when everyone left me alone. You ride through the rain just to get me home safely. You patiently waited up for me during my check-ups, during my hospital visits and even when I was rushed to the emergency. For when I have no one else, you were there. I thank you.

During those days, I have to give up my passion. My societies, my programs, my games. I have to put it all aside. It was hard, indeed. As I have been living on those for the past 6 years. Those were my soul, they keep me alive each day. To have given up so fast, my heart shattered. I remember crying in front of you after my appointment with the doctor. When he said that I have to start strengthening my emotion for I have to let go of almost everything; I was broken-hearted. You know how much I love my passion. He told me how bad my condition can really be, how at the final stage of it I may have to be wheelchair-bound, how unstable my condition can turn to and such. I lose hope. My faith starts to shaken up. That was a year ago, where up until now, you haven't given up on me. I thank you. 

You were always there. You helped me through with my rehab process. You stand by my side, for you are afraid that I may fall down. You became my reminder for my pills and check ups. You became my 'punching bag' without any reasons. You listen to my random talks, you push me through the dark tunnels I am afraid of going into. You did your own research on my condition, and the available alternative treatment. I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me. Yet, I thank you.

When you promised Abah that you'll take care of me, I'm amazed that you are willing to take such a huge responsibility. When you told me that you want to come and ask my hand for marriage, I can't help but to cry. Those were tears of happiness. I feel that I have given you nothing but being a burden to you. Yet, you still looking forward to build a future with me. For that, I thank you.

In less than a year, we have reached this level. 
I'm touched. I'm thankful. Alhamdulillah.

Holding that ring, asking me a question;
"Will you marry me and let me be your guardian angel?"

My answer will definitely be a '"YES".

Terima kasih awak.

p/s: i cried while writing this. ILY.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

For you. My SIX years history.


Awak. Ye saudara, ini untuk awak.
I know you'll read this, because you have always been checking out my blog. I know. 

Awak. You have been there for me since I first entered UiTM. You helped me through, a lot. You have been a buddy, a brother, a companion. I thank you for that. You have taught me countless facts of life. You've shared endless knowledge. I thank Allah for that.

After 6 years, there's one thing that has been always up on my mind. We had this relationship going nowhere. Yes, nowhere. I don't blame you. I don't blame myself. I don't blame Allah. He knows best for us. Well, things started to change. It seems like at a point, I know that we can't be together. Bukan sebab tak ada jodoh, tapi pada saya jodoh kita hanya setakat ini. Pasti ada sebab kenapa Allah temukan kita, dah izinkan kita bersahabat selama 6 tahun. Bukan sekejap. Itu satu tempoh yang cukup lama.

When we ended, you treated me like a stupid girl. Going around bashing me up, like it's my fault that we had to end our relationship. Saya kecewa. Amat. Kerana awak kenal keluarga saya. Umi dan Abah. Mal dan Adek. Mama's family, Ibu's family. My cousins. Awak kenal best friends saya, sahabat-sahabat saya, team kepimpinan saya. Yet, awak seolah tak redha bila kita jadi macam ni.

Maaf. Pada janji saya yang tak tertunai.
Maaf. Pada kata dusta andai ada terluah dalam kata saya.

Untuk yang terakhir kali, saya mohon. Izinkan saya lepaskan cerita kita. Izinkan saya lupakan awak. Please make this easy for me. Izinkan saya untuk buang segalanya. Tolong jangan simpan dendam, agar mudah untuk saya maafkan keegoan awak. Kita adalah sejarah. Saya telah miliki masa depan yang mana tiada nama awak di dalamnya.

For the last time.
Don't haunt me anymore.
The six years was a bless,
but it is a history I don't want to live in.

Let me go.



Hey fellas! :)

Sorry that I am not that keen to update my blog. It's just that I don't have much time to do so, and whenever I don't feel like blogging, I just randomly updated those through my Facebook status. Blog and media networking for me is just where I can share my thoughts, my feelings and my opinions. 

I used to talk. A lot. 
Maybe more than I am supposed to. 
I used to portray my words in random ways.
Maybe even those I am not supposed to.

Well, the thing is, people I've met, places I've been to, things I've done; those has taught me a lesson about life in their own unique ways. Which being without, won't make me the 'who' I am right now. Lessons learnt. Alhamdulillah. :)

Forgive me for who I am.
Forgive me for who I am not.
Either or, neither nor.
I can't be perfect.

Though I don't write much,
these words may be a remedy for some people.
Though I can't help much,
I hope these could leave prints all over town.

This is my platform.
It's how I live life. :)


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Do good deeds, people. :)

Hey peeps..

"Build good relationship with people around you.
Who knows, one day they may be the ones who are there to help you out."

Nak share a little story dengan korang.. Earlier tonight, my friend pinjam kereta, sebab nak fetch her friend.. When she returned back to the campus, she hand over the car keys back to me, and share babak dia nak masuk main gate kampus before that.. Dia kena tahan dengan polis bantuan.. Siap kena tanya, tu kereta siapa, nama tuannya siapa.. Of hearing my name, baru dia lepas masuk kampus.. Hee..

Well, for me, maybe sebab tuan polis bantuan tu kenal aku and he knows that is my car.. So dia rasa curious tengok orang lain yang drive.. Tu yang siap interrogate bagai tu.. Huhu.. Kesian Izzah.. I guess, he's one of the polis batuan yang pernah bekerja dengan aku dalam program kampus especially MDS.. Wallahualam.. Thanks, Tuan.. ^^

Just an insight~
Kita tak tahu apa akan jadi dengan masa depan kita.. Even a second coming upfront, is not in our hands to grab when the time is not there yet.. Kadang-kadang, kita takkan sangka, orang yang baru sangat kita kenal boleh tolong kita dengan cara yang baik.. Memang, to put trust in people is not an easy thing to do, but at least jagalah hubungan baik sesama manusia.. Tak salah pun.. Even to people who do bad to us, kita balas je dengan kebaikan.. Remember, Allah akan balas kebaikan kita bila kita ikhlas..

~Bantu sesama manusia untuk permudakan urusan mereka,
dan Allah akan bantu kita dengan mempermudahkan jalan kita.~ :)

Allah will always have a solution to any problems,
have tranquilizer for every pain,
have His own ways to show His love towards us.
Be good, feel the sweetness of life while it lasts, okay? :)

HabluminAllah wa Habluminannas

credit to~

Much love;

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Wed. Perception.

Hey peeps! 

Been thinking lately, since aku pun dah dalam fasa nak menuju alam perkahwinan (ehem, In Shaa Allah soon).. Zaman sekarang ni, dah makin ramai orang yang terikut-ikut budaya luar bila nak kahwin.. Bertunang dah gaya macam nak bersanding, walimah dah gaya macam nak taraf anak raja.. Bukan nak kata tak boleh, boleh saja.. Cuma sebenarnya sebaik-baik pernikahan itu adalah yang rendah perbelanjaannya.. C'mon laa, aku bukan nak kata aku baik sangat.. Like I said, I've been thinking lately.. Al-maklumlah, bila usia dah meningkat ke tahap sebegini, kepala tak fikir lain dahh.. Habiskan Ijazah, kerja, kahwin, senangkan Ummi Abah, support adik-adik further studies.. Itu dalam kepala otak aku lah.. Hehe.. ;)

Been planning and discussing.. Eh hello, ingat plan nak kahwin tu senang ke? Susah tau.. Memang aku dok planning tak habis lagi dengan family and ehem, dia.. :) Well, siapa kata planning tu sekadar nak jemput tetamu kenduri berapa ratus, belanja makanan kenduri berapa ribu, baju pengantin nak berapa pasang, dewan nak hias liplap lampu berapa voltan bla bla bla.. 

I plan for my marriage, not my wedding

Walimah aku nanti maaflah kalau aku tak jemput ribu riban.. Family aku je dah konvoi.. Abah and Ummi punya sahabat handai je dah berapa ramai.. Kawan-kawan aku je dah seantero negara.. Hihi.. Tapi In Shaa Allah, aku utamakan classmates Degree and Diploma, aRMadians, sisters, SMF family, MDS families and schoolmates.. 
*Gosh, itupun dah berjela senarainya sayangss oii*

Yang lain tu bukan tak boleh datang, datanglah memeriahkan.. Aku alu-alukan.. :)
But do aware that my wedding won't be like the others.. Don't expect all those grand stage and karaoke session.. Don't think that you'll get to see big gown and flawless dress and glitters on the floor.. Sorry sayangs, I plan to do it modestly.. Jangan pernah terlintas nak berhutang okay.. Lagipun, kesian bakal suami nanti.. Dia lah kena sponsor wedding, dia jugak kena bagi nafkah nanti.. :)

Lagipun, nak membina rumah tangga tak sesukar yang persepsi masyarakat sekarang pandang.. 

“Sesungguhnya agama (Islam) itu ringan. Barangsiapa memperberat-berat, maka dia akan dikalahkan oleh agama. 
Oleh kerana itu, kerjakanlah (agama itu) menurut mestinya, atau mendekati mestinya, dan gembiralah (kerana akan beroleh pahala), serta beribadatlah (mohonlah pertolongan Allah) pada waktu pagi, petang dan sebahagian malam.” (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari)

1. Yang pertama, merisik.. Jadi syarat supaya keluarga bertemu keluarga, capai kata sepakat nak satukan hati anak-anak.. 

2. Yang kedua, bertunang.. Tak perlu pelamin, hantaran bagai.. Bertunang cukup sekadar tanda, kalau tidak pun, cukup atas persetujuan si adam dan hawa, dan sebagai tanda hormat, persetujuan ibu ayah.. Al-maklumlah, ibu ayah yang besarkan anak-anak selama ni kan, mestilah diorang nak tahu jugak bakal suri hidup anak lelaki dan bakal 'guardian angel' hidup si anak perempuan.. 

3. Yang ketiga, pernikahan.. Siapa kata nikah kena hantaran mahal-mahal? Bagi bakal isteri kasut tumit tinggi branded, padahal dia selesa pakai kasut yang boleh tahan lasak.. Bagi bakal suami baju kemeja branded, padahal dia senang lagi pakai T-shirt.. Hantaran, sekadar hadiah untuk bakal pendamping hidup.. Bukan untuk tunjuk merata buat halwa pandangan mata manusia.. Baju nikah, tak perlulah nak macam princess, kalau sudahnya nak berjalan pun payah.. Duit hantaran, tak perlulah keluarga nak letak macam gaya nak jual anak.. :)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW. yang bermaksud: 
"Sesungguhnya yang besar berkat nikah ialah yang sederhana belanjanya ". 
( Hadis Riwayat Ahmad )

4. Yang keempat, kenduri atau walimah.. Pernah aku baca, cukup kalau sekadar jamu seekor kambing, which in fact hanya boleh cover perut dalam 50 orang tetamu.. Tapi iyelah, aku faham.. Kawan-kawan ramai.. Ahli keluarga besar pun boleh buat rombongan.. Tak salah nak jemput reramai, tapi belanjanya berpada-padalah.. Tak perlulah nak feast sampai berhabis ribuan ringgit.. Yang penting, walimah untuk bagitau orang tentang perkahwinan supaya tak timbul fitnah, dan untuk meraikan hari bahagia.. And, the most important thing, doa dari tetamu.. :)

Rasulullah mengetahui sahabatnya ‘Abdurrahman B. ‘Auf baru sahaja bernikah, Rasulullah pun berkata kepadanya (sambil terlebih dahulu mendoakannya):
“Barakallahu laka (semoga Allah memberi berkah kepadamu), adakanlah walimah walaupun hanya dengan seekor kambing.” (Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab an-Nikah, 16/131, no. 4758)

So, to those yang suka nak ada persepsi, perception or whatever lah, go ahead.. You can say anything you want.. Aku dah bagitahu siap-siap, wedding aku takkan capai taraf 5-star, takkan grand macam retis, takkan gempak macam aku popular sangat.. Okay? So if you are going to come just to condemn and criticize, just do come.. Jangan lupa, lepas habis komen, condemn dan sebagainya, selitkanlah sedikit doa buat kami ya.. Masehhh.. ^^v

"Tak hairanlah orang zaman sekarang takut nak lunaskan sunnah melangsungkan sebuah perkahwinan.
Persepsi keluarga dan masyarakat pun dah terlalu menduga untuk sesuatu yang halal dan dituntut agama."

p/s: Maaf. Ini luahan rasa hati dan fikiran akal hamba.
Mohon jangan ada yang terasa ya. :)

with love;

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pieces of my mind.

" Sakit Allah duga buat jadi penghapus dosa,
tak sesakit ditimbang neraca manusia tanpa usul periksa."

"Tak mudah menyerah tak bersalah.
Tetap terasa pedihnya resah.
Tapi sekurang-kurangnya pernah.
Biar menjauh tanpa kalah."

"Menghadapi dugaan diuji sakit itu.
Sakit itu perasaannya amat indah.
Mendampingi orang yang sedang diduga itu.
Sungguh,dengan sakit itu anugerah."


Sunday, February 17, 2013

BB1M 2013

Assalamualaikum. =)

Just to share a bit, betapa beruntungnya berada di bumi bertuah bernama Malaysia. Alhamdulillah. All IPT students, swasta dan awam diberi voucher worth RM250 per student. Bolehlah digunakan untuk beli keperluan untuk study. Hee. Last year pun dapat jugak, RM200. Syukur, rezeki menjadi mahasiswa universiti di tanah tercinta.

Ada yang cakap, 'kenapa 80% kena guna untuk beli buku, dan baki 20% baru boleh beli alat tulis dan barang-barang lain?'
Well, bersyukurlah. RM250 tu bukan sikit jumlahnya tau.

Ini hasil shopping worth RM50. ;)

the best part shop kat Popular, sebab even guna voucher pun dapat discount for members. Untung! ^^

Use it wise. Think positive. Be grateful. =)


Ignorance; by Paramore

If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle
A mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore
Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?

You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me
Well sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same (no)
We're not the same (no)
Oh we're not the same
Yeah the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)
It's good (hey)
It's good

Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person but you can't take it
The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won't get you anywhere
I'm not the same kid from your memory
Well now I can fend for myself

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same (no)
We're not the same (no)
Oh we're not the same
Yeah we used to stick together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)
It's good (hey)
It's good

Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

Conspiracy; by Paramore

*Here's to all who holds conspiracy against people.
Speak out, there's no need to hold conspiracy against them.
They have ears and eyes.*

Please speak softly, for they will hear us
And they'll find out why we don't trust them
Speak up dear, 'cause I cannot hear you
I need to know why we don't trust them

Explain to me this conspiracy against me
And tell me how I've lost my power

Where can I turn? 'Cause I need something more
Surrounded by uncertainty, I'm so unsure
Tell me why I feel so alone
'Cause I need to know to whom do I owe

Explain to me this conspiracy against me
And tell me how I've lost my power

I thought that we'd make it
Because you said that we'd make it through
And when all security fails
Will you be there to help me through?

Explain to me this conspiracy against me
And tell me how I've lost my power

How I've lost my power?

Fences; by Paramore

*Here's to all people who keep on talking
but never intend to seek the truth behind someone's story.*
I'm sitting in a room,
Made up of only big white walls and in the hall
There are people looking through
The window in the door
they know exactly what we're here for.

Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.

You're always on display
For everyone to watch and learn from,
Don't you know by now,
You can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have.

And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile, 'cause you'll go out in style.
You'll go out in style.

If you let me I could,
I'd show you how to build your fences,
Set restrictions, separate from the world.
The constant battle that you hate to fight,
Just blame the limelight.

Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.

And now you can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have.

And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile.

Yeah, yeah you're asking for it
With every breath that you breathe in
Just breathe it in.
Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this big talking
So now let's see you walk it.
I said let's see you walk it.

Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this big talking
So now let's see you walk it.
I said let's see you walk it.

And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, yeah oh oh open wide.
Yeah, oh oh open wide,
'Cause you'll go out in style.
You'll go out in style.

Latihan Industri (LI) : Community Placement

29012013 - 22022013
FSR Fitness Center
UiTM Shah Alam

Assalamualaikum! :)
Well, sebenarnya aku dah plan nak buat LI kat Subang Jaya, so that I can stay at my aunt's house, and senang aku tak payah nak ulang alik jauh jauh, mahupun nak kena mencari rumah/bilik sewa bagai. Tapi apakan daya, Allah itu Maha Tahu. Dia lagi tahu apa yang terbaik buat hamba-hambaNya. Rupa-rupanya ada miscommunication, and a few days before aku nak report in for my LI baru tahu yang pihak sana tak tahu pun aku nak berumah tangga sebulan kat tempat diorang. Sudahnya, aku yang menggelabah. Menangis pun puas dah baq ang. Cuak kottt! T_T

Tapi yelah kan, Allah dah pesan awal-awal, have faith in Him and He'll settle the rest for us. Kita ni je hamba tak sedar diri. Eh. AKU ni ha. Tak sedar-sedar jugak. Masih nak complaint sana sini bila kehendak tak dituruti. *apalagikaunakmyraaa~

Alhamdulillah. Allah sebenarnya dah sediakan tempat yang lagi better untuk aku buat LI and belajar a lot more on knowledge of life. Syukur! Memang waktu dapat berita aku dapat buat LI kat UiTM Shah Alam, aku buat sujud syukur. Thank YOU ya Allah! =')
Even dalam masa LI ni, adakalanya sakit aku datang la jugak. Tapi aku bertahan sebab aku nak buktikan pada diri aku sendiri yang aku mampu. Tak perlu untuk aku terus kuat semata-mata nak tunjuk pada mereka yang tinggalkan aku waktu aku jatuh. Alhamdulillah. Allah membantu! =)

So up till now, dah nak masuk 4 weeks aku menjalani LI aku di Shah Alam. First day dah dapat involve program sports for mental disabled children. Entering second week, felt honored sebab dapat bagi nutrition counselling pada Tuan Polis dan Puan Polis PDRM yang datang as part of their Kursus Gaya Hidup Sihat. Tak semua orang dapat peluang ni. Bukan ke patutnya aku bersyukur? =)

In fact, aku bukan sekadar dapat knowledge yang berkaitan dengan course and my scope of study. But dengan fitness trainers and attendees yang datang saban hari ke sini banyak ajar aku basics of life. They have helped me to open my eyes a bit wider untuk lihat kekuasaan dan kemurahan hati Allah dalam memberi nikmat pada hambaNya. =')

To the fitness trainers; Ikka, Asrul, Rafizul, Syawal, Hidayat, Megat, Rio;
korang memang sangat sempoi and awesome. Thank you guys. =)
To the attendees yang jadi mangsa jawab questionnaire, dapat nutrition counselling, tanya macam-macam soalan yang buat saya selak buku lebih sikit; Ali, Iman, Jen and loads more, thank you. =)
To the supervisor, thanks for ever being the most superb and approachable SV ever! =)
To the one yang suggest this place waktu hati saya tengah gusar habesss, thanks to you too. Allah gave you the idea with good reasons. =)
Dan maaf atas salah silap, mana yang terkurang atau terlebih.
Mohon halal mana yang patut ya. :)
p/s: Maaflah. Jiwa saya jiwa UiTM. Sampaikan LI pun Allah 'campak tengah hutan' UiTM. ;)
Have faith. All is well. In shaa Allah. ^^


Teater Muzikal: DESTINI ANAK BANGSA Tan Sri Arshad Ayub

UiTM Shah Alam

Heyy readers!

Maaflahh.. Aku agak ketinggalan zaman nak update pasal teater ni.. But what the heck, this is my blog kann.. At least I still have the urge to share with you guys.. ;)

Well, the only word to describe this theater : AWESOME!

In the first place, waktu mula-mula dengar pasal teater ni, memang terniat nak pergi tengok pementasannya.. Al-maklumlah, first time kot DATC held a theater.. Moreover, ni pasal UiTM.. Sia-sialah mengaku darah ungu kalau tak luangkan masa untuk pergi tengok sejarah UiTM kan? :)

So thanks to my dear Atikah Lotffi sebab tolong book and pay for the tix before aku balik Shah Alam.. Sebab before this aku dapatlah balik rumah seminggu, then head back to Puncak Alam fasilitator untuk KPO FSK 2.0 2013 kat Kem Nur Lembah Lenggong, Perak. Jadinya, urusan tiket etc semua Tyka tolong uruskan. Aku pergi collect je pada hari kejadian dengan Fauzi. 25th evening, Tyka, Mu'izz Kahar, Fauzi, Faiz (Tyka's friend) and I gathered in front of DATC. Teruja hati aku ni sebenarnya. ^^

 More or less, teater ni menceritakan susur galur hidup Ayahanda Tan Sri Arshad Ayub, dari personal life beliau, azam beliau nak bangunkan anak Melayu sehinggalah UiTM wujud hingga sekarang. Even waktu dalam dewan, all attendees dapat pensil 2B sebatang seorang. Mula-mula kami ingat sekadar untuk isi form. Tapi sepanjang penghayatan teater ni, baru kami dapat maksud pensil kayu 2B yang nampak macam murah tu diberi pada kami. Murah, tapi itu yang menjadi pemangkin semangat Ayahanda buat adik-adiknya and perhaps, untuk anak-anak Melayu. =')

Sukar nak describe through words only. Rugi sebenarnya kalau kalian tak dapat jadi penonton. Sebab keputusan nak buat pementasan agung di dewan keramat itu amatlah berbaloi. Aura terasa. SANGAT. Even kami agree, kalau boleh semua mahasiswa/i UiTM WAJIB tengok pementasan tu. Baru timbul rasa syukur agaknya. =)

Terima kasih buat besties yang menemani.
Terima kasih buat rakan-rakan yang suggest teater ni.

And guys, lagu yang satu ini yang benar-benar buat air mata aku mengalir tak henti, jiwa sesak dek kerisauan, darah mengalir terasa ingin ditoreh-toreh hati mengenangkan nasib anak Melayu. Listen and interpret with your heart. Jiwa UiTM.
p/s:Thanks to my sibling; Ridhzuan Kaharuddin a.k.a Pedang Kristal. =)

Air mata mengalir.
Jiwa terasa aura semangat anak bangsa.
Even the songs pun buat hati ni rasa sebak.
Congratulations UiTM!
Thank you Tan Sri Arshad Ayub; Ayahanda tersayang. =')

UiTM Sentiasa Di Hatiku!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lepaskan Aku, by Hujan

Mulai saat ini...
Aku kan ubah pendirian,
Walau ramai akhir sendirian,

Jangan difikir fasal aku...
Teruskan saja dengan hidupmu,
Hadirmu mungkin tidak membantu,

Pasangan tak sentiasa indah,
Mesti ada perang yang kau redah,
Aku laki-laki takkan rebah,

Ku tak mahu beterus terang,
Risaukan kemuncak amarah ku,
Maki hamun berasing tak tentu...

Lepaskan aku,
Lupakan aku,
Aku hanya ingin sendirian,
Tak pernah ku rasakan,
Atas nama tekanan...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Maaf. Classmates, friends.

Hi peeps, readers, followers.

Sorry for being quiet for so long. Indeed, I haven't posted anything for more than half a year. Forgive me for that. The thing is, my 5th semester was a big challenge for me. In fact, my classmates pun sama. Semester 5 yang baru je lepas sangat-sangat menguji kami. Alhamdulillah, we managed to end it. Tahniah kawan-kawan. :)

Before proceeding to the current year, aku nak minta maaf. Pada classmates aku, especially. Aku tahu aku dah banyak menyusahkan korang. Banyak kerja aku yang korang kena tolong settle kan. Maaf juga sebab aku tak come clean dengan korang. Cumanya aku ni memang ada satu tabiat, aku tak suka orang tahu lebih-lebih pasal diri aku. Lagi-lagi kalau bab aku sakit. Sebab aku tak nak orang letak limit pada diri aku. Until the extend, condition aku worsen, dan aku terpaksa sembunyikan diri aku. Aku tahu, tindakan aku tu sangat tak patut. Aku minta maaf. Aku faham kalau korang susah nak maafkan aku. I've been such a burden to you guys. Maafkan aku. Izinkan aku untuk tamatkan perjuangan kita yang masih berbaki setahun setengah ni. Please?

And thanks korang. Sebab tolong aku masa aku susah. Aku terhutang budi dengan korang. Moga Allah balas segala kebaikan korang pada aku. May Allah bless and ease your journey, In shaa Allah.

To friends, siblings yang mengambil berat. Terima kasih. Sampai ada yang suap aku makan, pimpin aku berjalan, hantar aku ke hospital dan macam-macam lagi jasa bakti korang pada aku, aku sangat-sangat berterima kasih. 

Aku tak mampu nak balas. Cuma aku harap korang selamanya bahagia dengan hidup korang. Aku doakan, In shaa Allah. Maaf jugak sebab aku jadi beban pada korang. Aku dah banyak menyusahkan orang di sekeliling aku. Maaf.

Moga Allah balas jasa kalian.
Moga Allah berkati hidup kalian.
Moga Allah naungi perjalanan kalian.
Aku doakan.
'Amyra Ramlan mohon ampun.