Saturday, March 12, 2011

Of Faith and Trust.


Last Thursday, (as regard to my last entry),
my second paperwork for this semester has been approved..
Not to say much, but I have to admit that
the tension is rising. And it's rising up fast..
* Ya Allah, give me strength! *

Bukan aku tak pernah kendalikan program, I have. Got used to it already.
It's just this time around, I feel like the world is spinning too fast.
I have to do a lot of catching up, and I got to do it FAST.

Being a student leader is NOT easy.
Yet, I choose to walk this path.
And it has been about five years since I walk through this very road.
Despites of all the tension, tears and fears I had to go along with,
I still chose to remain here.
Because I DO believe, this is my fight.

Aku bukan sempurna. Dan aku takkan pernah jadi sempurna.
Banyak salah dan silap yang telah atau akan aku buat.
Banyak titisan air mata juga akan mengalir atas sebab-sebab tertentu.
Itu namanya proses pembelajaran.

Tapi satu perkara yang takkan pernah aku ragui;
kePERCAYAan aku pada ALLAH swt.
Tiap kali aku gembira,
Syukur kerana aku tidak pernah lupa untuk berTERIMA KASIH pada-Nya.
Tiap kali aku menangis,
tetap DIA yang aku cari kerana hanya DIA yang dapat menenangkan aku.
Aku sedar, hanya DIA yang berhak untuk memberi tiap sesuatu kejayaan atau kesedihan.

" O Allah, to You I pray.
No other on this world who can understand me better than You.
Give me strength to move on,
to keep on fighting and standing,
on this path of mine, which You have lend to me. "

I am a HUMAN. Mistakes I do make, tears I do cried.


  1. sy minta share ye ;)

  2. Silakan. Tapi kalau saya tahu gerangan yg minta share ni siapa, lg better. Thanks! =)
