Wednesday, January 28, 2009

do we still exist in our own land?

this is a true story. not to discriminate any party, not to differentiate any people breathing the same oxygen as i am. but it's a true story that we have to deal with, facing the challenging world we are in now.

one of my brother is a secondary school student, a school which is one of the best in my hometown. his classmates; are all combining the malays, indians and chinese. one teacher of that school is very rude. that is what i can say after listening to his story.

the class were asked to search and find the information of three idols of the country. they did. my brother did. but there are several students who didn't manage to complete the task; 3 chinese, 2 malays and 1 indian. but what happened back there makes me feel the anger rising inside of me. the teacher insult, both the malay students, but say nothing to the three chinese boys and the indian. the teacher is a chinese lady. she was saying things like "inilah warisan ketuanan Melayu yang dibangga-banggakan, Melayu memang bodoh, kenapa Melayu dapat hak istimewa.." and so on..

the imagination of it makes me cry. thinking how my country is developing in the eye of the world, but is suffering chronic disease of losing my own country. it hurts. we have a choice. if we listen, see, and speak of the right thing. we can make a difference of owning our country back which has been 'taken' by 'them'.


  1. hurm..bila org kita buat salah je,cpt je org pointing finger..

    i didnt get it why the LOVE & peace in this world is fading away?
