Sunday, May 20, 2012

SMS Seminar @ IMU

SuperMuslimStudents (SMS) Seminar
International Medical University (IMU),
Bukit Jalil

Assalamualaikum! =)

Kita selalu dengar, ‘kalau niat ikhlas, mesti Allah akan permudahkan jalan kita’. Alhamdulillah, itu pengajaran dan hakikat yang kami pelajari sepanjang perjalanan menuju IMU. Walaupun hampir tersesat beberapa kali, but we’ve managed. Syukur. =)

Plus, we got a chance to fulfil our crave for sushi afterwards. ^^

From the program organized by MSOC of IMU, sharing session from Imam Muda Asyraf, Prof Dr. Hatta (Dean of Faculty of Medicine [CUCMS]), and AQSA Syarif, here’s a bit of what we’ve got on our pieces of paper and mind. Indulge!~

Perkongsian IM Asyraf: Why do we need to be a super Muslim?
-Kejayaan seseorang terletak pada agamanya. Bai agamanya, baiklah dirinya.
-Orang berilmu sebenarnya orang yang paling layak untuk jadi orang yang paling beriman kerana dia sentiasa berfikir.
-Semasa masih ada kudrat orang muda, sibukkanlah diri kerana masa yang ada perlu digunakan untuk jalan Allah, agar kurang masa itu digunakan untuk kemewahan diri sendiri.
-Yakinlah, bila kita bantu Allah, Allah pasti permudahkan kita. =)

Sharing session by Prof. Dr. Hatta: Super Muslims – Students at their best!
-“It is not only for the courages, but is also for the faint-hearted to become courageous.”
-“It is more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of disease a patient has.”(William Osler, Canadian physician & Prof)

-In dealing with patient who is a non-Muslim, in terms of advicing on alcohol intake etc, just carry out your responsibility and job by giving counselling based on facts ad medical aspects. When you can’t stop them, then just be a good and professional medical officer with a good heart. Allah will do the rest with their hearts. =)

Wallahualam. Shared by them who are experts of Islamic and medical aspects.
To be shared with you and the rest. =)

Future SMS,

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